
Sunday, January 25, 2015

A year in review: 2014

I know, I know. I'm only a month late. Better now than never though, right?

2014 was our year. I was and wasn't in some ways but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

We built our FIRST HOME!
Probably the most exciting thing 2014 brought us! With that said we moved to idaho to finally "begin our lives" while it has been a blessing it has been a struggle somedays. The commute to our jobs increased and we left a ward we absolutely loved! We lost and gained friends. But We now live closer to family, which can be both good and bad! We have grown to love the ward we now live in.

Feeling 22.
This year I turned 22. Although my life is no where near what I pictured it 5 years ago or even 1-2 years ago I couldn't be any happier!

Moose hunt.
Kaden was able to spend time with a friend of his moose hunting for most of the hunting season. Although it wasnt his tag I think he enjoyed it. It's all he could talk about for weeks!

2 dogs later.
Kaden's grandpa was getting rid of his hunting dog and somehow we were nominated. Self nominated I guess you could say .. while she has been a challenge we love having her. Her name is Mika and she is a German wirehair hunting dog. She wishes she could be an inside dog while our other little dog, Lexi, truly insists on trying to be an outside dog. Lexi is a maltese mix dog. She is white and lives inside. I never thought I could ever love a dog so much. She is a playful and sassy little thing. I used to think it was odd when people treated their dogs like they were children and now we are those people. We love them to pieces.

We were able to get rid of some debt, always a plus!

Church calling: CTR7.
we teach the 7 and 8 yr Olds in primary. We were given this calling about a month and half after moving into our new home. It has been a fun adventure to learn and grow with these cute kids as they prepare to be baptized.

Lessons learned.
We had a scare when Kaden's MacBook crashed about 5 months ago. We had all of our pictures on it. Only about 5 yrs worth. Unfortunately we had not backed up a single picture anywhere else. It was a sad day at our house. We just recently received some good news and not so good new. We were able to get pictures off of the hard drive but Kaden's MacBook is toast. So it looks like I might be getting that desktop I've wanted for a year sooner than we thought! So learn from our mistake! BACKUP EVERYTHING, INCLUDING PICTURES. before we found out if we could get our pictures back I kept teasing Kaden we would have to go back to dating and start over. Glad we don't have to do that;)

I switched salons.
One of the hardest things I did in 2014! It was so hard to leave the first salon I started my career at but business wise it has been a blessing! I am now working at the Kutting Edge in Logan, Ut. I love it there and things are going great!

Family Vacation.
For Christmas Kaden's parents took us to AZ. We left the day after Christmas and we were gone for a week. It was so much fun!

As These past weeks have flown by I have had the chance to realize how blessed we have been in life. Though we may not have everything we want we have more than enough to get by. I don't know how we have gotten so lucky but we are grateful! 

2014 overall, was good to us! It will be hard to beat but I hope 2015 makes the books as well!

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