
Monday, June 30, 2014

{LIVING} The Idaho Way

We have finally settled down in the cute little town of WESTON IDAHO. We are loving every minute being here! It is so nice to be a little closer to family. For those of you who don't know, Weston is where Kaden grew up. I am missing Smithfield a little bit but at the end of the day I am happy to be back in Idaho. The commute to work is longer but I am lucky to get to share it with Kaden! Most days we get to carpool to work and I love it. I love getting to listen to him and the long talks both to and from work. If you know my husband you know that he hates the quiet. I get to hear about everything about his day. It is truly a blessing in disguise.

In addition to a new house we have added a member to our little family. No, no babies, yet! She's the next best thing though :) she is a wire hair dog. Her name is Mika. She is quite the handful at times but we are loving the adjustment in our lives. {I will be blogging all about her soon!}

I get the question "Why Idaho?" a lot. And when I say a lot I mean pretty much every person I tell where we moved to. That and "Weston, Idaho? Where's that?" haha. I usually reply in a semi jokingly way, "Its a small town west of Preston. If you blink you might just miss it!" ;) But really. For those of you who don't know much of anything about weston, well, it consists of:

-Woodward's Convenient Store. Which technically triples as a mini grocery store, gas station and deli.

-Local Post Office.

-One massive church house. Surprisingly, Weston has two wards. Yes, TWO wards. I said to Kaden, is Weston really that big they need two wards? Evidently it is.

-City Office building which I try not to laugh while typing this but literally its the size of our Master Bedroom.

     Six Things We Do for Fun:

1. Walks/Bike Rides. Since Mika has so much energy we have been going on walks at nights. I think its beneficiary to the three of us ;)
When were not taking walks were going for bike rides. We have done this ever since we were newly-weds. Its nice to get out and enjoy this beautiful valley we live in. I have to admit though, Weston beats Logan and Smithfield by a lot when it comes to comparing the view you get while on your ride. I think thats what I love most about living here! It is So BEAUTIFUL here.

2. Yard work. I can't really say this is all fun but it is something we have been working on. I'm just going to say those of you who have nice yards with clean cut grass and beautiful trees, flowerbeds, gardens, I am so extremely jealous. I dream of that day for us. I find somedays I am so impatient and want this luscious Green landscaped yard. Instead all we have to look at is dirt and weeds for now.

3. Game Night/Movie Night. Kaden's Grandma and Grandpa Roberts have us hooked on this game they taught us called TRIPOLEE. I'm not sure if its a legit game or if its made up but it's seriously the funnest game and not to mention I pretty much kick butt at it.
Kaden and I are TV junkies. We LOVE movies and TV shows. We even enjoy watching silly youtube videos together.

4. Campfires. I think this is my most favorite thing. There's just something about summer and campfires with smores. What's not to love?

5. Rzr Rides. I truly married an outdoor guy. He is a little kid at heart and some days I don't think I could love him anymore than I already do. We love to go for rzr rides. Often we stop to shoot guns. Sometimes we take a target with us or just use a mountain dew can and have a little competition shooting. I like to think I make it real competitive for him. That or he makes me feel like I'm a really good shot. Either way I love getting to spend time with him.

6. Date Night. We still have date nights. Some with friends, some just enjoying each other and going to dinner or a movie or even just grocery shopping, lame I know but sometimes you learn to take what you can get and enjoy it! Kaden loves to visit Sportsman's Warehouse and check out things he wants to save and spend his money on. I can't help but tell myself it's a guy thing:) has to be, right?

Although it seems we have moved further from friends and some family we are so happy to be living where we are. I truly feel at home. At times I feel like I don't deserve the life I have, the husband I have and all the blessings I have been given. Our life is not perfect and though it may seem I assure you its the farthest thing from perfect. I once came across a quote that said, "Choose to be in love with your life" When life seems rough I try to remember this quote. I am blessed in many ways, some different from others but at the end of the day, I am blessed.

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